Some locations are perfect for reading particular books; those that foster an extra connection to history as lived by the protagonists. Now that the labyrinthine corridors of Old Parliament House have been opened to all, climb the rickety staircase to the press gallery, Ross Fitzgerald and Stephen Holt’s book in hand, to reach the cramped den of power of their vulpine subject. Among the evocativ ... (read more)
Tom D.C. Roberts

Tom D.C. Roberts is currently a PhD candidate with the Department of Modern History at Macquarie University researching the life and legacy of Sir Keith Murdoch. He holds Masters degrees from Cambridge University (in Social and Political Sciences) and the University of Westminster (in Communications). Pursuing a keen interest in politics, the media and biography, his career to date includes roles with the British Press Complaints Commission and collaboration on various book projects with the political journalists and broadcasters Peter Oborne and Adam Boulton. He is the Administrator and an Associate Member of the Centre for Media History, Macquarie University.