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ABR Arts

Book of the Week

Character Limit: How Elon Musk destroyed Twitter

Character Limit: How Elon Musk destroyed Twitter by Kate Conger and Ryan Mac

On 26 October 2022, two days before closing a deal to purchase Twitter for US$44 billion (A$61.4 billion), Elon Musk walked into its San Francisco headquarters carrying a white porcelain sink. He walked up to an unattended front desk in the lobby and said, to no one: ‘You can’t help but let that sink in.’ Of course, he didn’t really say this to no one. His triumphant entrance at Twitter HQ was staged, the video shared with his 120 million Twitter followers, with the phrase: ‘Let That Sink In!’

From the Archive

July–August 2012, no. 343

End of the Night Girl by Amy T. Matthews

End of the Night Girl, the first novel by Adelaide writer Amy T. Matthews, is a story about one of the most difficult tasks of writing and scholarship in the past sixty years: imagining the Shoah. In attempting this task, Matthews emulates writers such as W.G. Sebald, Thomas Keneally, Elfriede Jelinek, and Inga Clendinnen.

From the Archive

December 1992, no. 147

'Look me in the eye and say that'

Book reviewing. I’ve done quite a lot of it. I regard it as my trade and a profession, one to be proud of, with principles and rules and responsibilities, to be practised ethically and with generosity. And not gloomily, nor theoretically, for I write for readers, not scholars.

From the Archive

April 2012, no. 340

Jeremy Fisher reviews 'The Light Between Oceans' by M.L. Stedman

M.L. Stedman’s first novel was the subject of spirited bidding from several publishers when her agent put it up for auction in 2011. Stedman lives in London, where she has contributed to literary journals, but she is originally from Western Australia, where this book is set. Her three-part novel tells the story of Tom Sherbourne, a returned World War I digger who not only carries the guilt of survival but who is also estranged from his father and brother. They had expelled his beloved mother from the family home after she was caught in a dalliance inadvertently revealed by Tom.