Sadness overwhelms me in this circle of cutflowers; some face me, plead for help, but if
I were to cradle one tulip-heavy head in my palmlike a premature baby, would its petals (that remind
me of my mother's skin when she was old) fallto the floor? Others turn away in a dried blush
of shame. Just a few plump bodies flaunt sheenon velvet cloaks, yet stems stoop weary.
They wait in colour-oblite ... (read more)
Carolyn Abbs

Carolyn Abbs grew up in the south of England, and now lives in Fremantle, Western Australia. She has published poems in journals and anthologies such as Westerly, Cordite, Rabbit, Writ Poetry Review, The Best Australian Poems 2014, and in Axon: Creative Explorations (issue 9), a series of ten poems, with photography by her sister, Elizabeth Roberts. Her PhD is from Murdoch University, where she taught in the School of Arts (English) for a number of years. She has published an academic book Virginia Woolf: a mosaic of nonverbal arts (2010). Carolyn is currently working towards a first collection of poetry.
After you died, Nana, I went to your room,it was dark like that place beneath the breakwaterwhere barnacles cling and children never dare hide
I opened a blind, a stuck window, breeze fannedand fanned the room, light across your dressing-table, triple mirrors. Amidst perfume bottles,
hairbrush, amber beads, your art deco box,walnut with inlaid mother-of-pearl; guiltilyas if invading privacy, I l ... (read more)
Tenement Building (black & white photograph)Chris Kilip, Tate Britain, 2014
you view the house from across the streetpart of a terrace it fills the framethe roof is cut off no sky dim light
upstairs a balconydoor window & ... (read more)
(found in rubble beneath a church — New Norcia)
Distempered walls crowd in cold at the oldschoolroom, resonant with the chant of timestables, scrape of chalk on slate; a nun mighthave leant over a child, white dust on her cuff.
This afternoon, light from a slit window catchesa silver crucifix and reflects onto the domeof glass cabinet, like sunlight over water.The exhibit: a small suede boot, ... (read more)
'It hurts to go through walls, it makes you sick,but it's necessary.' − Tomas Tranströmer
I'd expected a labyrinth of small dark rooms, yetthe house was lit marigold scooped out like a pumpkin for HalloweenFlames flickered and spat in a wide fireplace a seaweedy stench had swept in ... (read more)