The Silk Road is not one place, nor is it a particular route for travel, trade, and cross-cultural exchange. It is an idea, and a powerful one at that, as Tim Winter’s Silk Road: Connecting histories and futures shows. The concept of the Seidenstraße was popularised by Ferdinand von Richthofen in the 1870s to define the trade routes westwards from Han China in the ancient Greco-Roman world. Sin ... (read more)
Robert Wellington

Associate Professor Robert Wellington FSA is Director of the Centre for Art History and Art Theory at the Australian National University, and co-editor of the Humanities Research Journal. He has published widely in English and French on the art and culture of Louis XIV’s France. He is the author of Antiquarianism and the Visual Histories of Louis XIV: Artifacts for a future past (Ashgate, 2015) and co-editor of The Versailles Effect: Objects, lives, and afterlives of the domaine (Bloomsbury, 2021).