On 10 June 1838, eleven men – ten whites and an African – slaughtered about thirty indigenous people at Myall Creek in northern New South Wales. The victims were hacked down with swords, and the killers returned a few days later to dismember and burn the bodies. The existence and interpretation of events like this have been deeply controversial since the publication of Keith Windschuttle's The ... (read more)
Ian Ravenscroft

Ian Ravenscroft is Associate Professor of Philosophy at Flinders University. His textbook, Philosophy of Mind: A Beginner's Guide, has been translated into three languages. He is currently working on a project that explores the role of bodily movement in imagination.
Much contemporary moral philosophy is highly abstract, with technical arguments advanced on issues that appear far removed from ordinary life. But not all academic ethics has this form. The field of practical ethics has flourished over the last four decades, bringing philosophical techniques to bear on ethical issues in medicine, animal husbandry, climate change, and global poverty. Peter Singer i ... (read more)