June 2009, no. 312

Welcome to the June 2009 issue of Australian Book Review.
Full Contents
The Ends Of Life: Roads To Fulfilment In Early Modern England by Keith Thomas
Environmental Studies
First Fleet Artist: George Raper’s birds and plants of Australia by Linda Groom
The Wolf: The most audacious warship of World War One and its 15-Month campaign of terror against Australia and the world by Richard Guilliatt and Peter Hohnen
by Peter Pierce
Boom & Bust: Bird stories for a dry country edited by Libby Robin, Robert Heinsohn and Leo Joseph
Five Bells Australian Poetry Festival (Double Issue) edited by John S. Batts et al.
by Lisa Gorton
Letter collection
The Letters of Samuel Beckett, Vol. 1: 1929–1940 edited by Martha Dow Fehsenfeld and Lois More Overbeck
by James Ley
Culture Is …: Australian stories across cultures edited by Anne-Marie Smith
Young Adult Fiction