‘Whatever the bird does is right for the bird to do –’
Judith Wright
Australian poetry has always had a particular affinity for birds. This can be either infuriating or indispensable, depending on whom you consult. We might blame Judith Wright for this affinity – or the British pastoral tradition. We might blame the big prizes associated with ecopoems. Or we could just admit that bir ... (read more)
J. Taylor Bell

J. Taylor Bell is a PhD candidate at Monash University. His first poetry collection is Hello Cruel World (Wendy’s Subway, 2022).
'Anything and everything, all of the time.’ This is the refrain to comedian Bo Burnham’s hilarious and subtly disturbing song ‘Welcome to the Internet’, which both precedes and succeeds endless lists of absurd metadata. The idea is that, naturally enough, we have entered an age that simply has no way to escape the internet. Everything is available to us instantly. And with that, since we n ... (read more)