Charmaine Papertalk Green

Charmaine Papertalk Green is a poet, visual artist and social sciences researcher from the Yamaji Nation, Western Australia. She has been represented in many anthologies focusing on Aboriginal writers in Australia. Her books include Just Like That (Fremantle Arts Centre Press) and Tiptoeing Tracker Tod (Oxford University Press). Her new book is Nganajungu Yagu (Cordite Books, 2019). Charmaine lives in Geraldton, rural Western Australia.
Can you smell it?Not like the first rainsNor the first bloomsBut a rather putridVomit inducing smellJaan-jaanyThe bad smell of Australia
Like stinking body odourEmitted at footy matchesFast on social mediaWith each boo theSmell got strongerWith each name callingThe smell got strongerWith each denial theSmell got strongerYurna; YurnaLingering smell of racismAustralian style
Charmaine Pape ... (read more)
Yamaji CultureA culture worth lovingA culture worth fighting forA culture worthy of being loved
Why tell me I don't need it?Why tell me I can't need it?Why tell me I can't love it?Why tell me it's not worth fighting for?Why tell me it's not worthy of love?
Yamaji CultureI love it – I laugh for itI stress for it – I cry for itI fight for it – I believe it's worthyOf love and respect
I cry ... (read more)