Poem of the Week - Ali Alizadeh reads 'I ♥ (this) Life?'
In this episode of 'Poem of the Week' Ali Alizadeh reads 'I ♥ (this) Life?'. ABR Editor, Peter Rose, introduces Ali who then reads and discusses his poem.
I ♥ this life (?)
For every $10 I produce (in, say, 30 minutes)
$6 goes to the boss. Join
the club? And then
I pay $4 for some crap (say, lukewarm coffee, to keep me
that cost the boss
of s/he who made it
$1 = I'm worse off
by $10 in 30 minutes. Such
is life? My boss's bosses
demand growth, so soon
the extracted
$6 must become, say
$10 = I'll have to produce
$14 in 30 minutes
to keep my job/salary
by working longer/harder. Then
of course, the owner of the cruddy coffee shop
also ogles profit, so
the watery beige rubbish in the cup
(to which I'll be sadly addicted) will cost
$6. Nota Bene: it will still cost the café captain
of industry $1 to produce the commodity – the exchange-
value of my or the (undertrained) barista's labour power
hasn't grown
so that it won't impede
capital's expansion. I'll have
had $19 sucked out of me. Par
for the course? Well, I forgot
to mention: since the price of coffee
will go up & my income won't
I'll also be broke. The question,
then = for how long
I (and you, and she, and he, and you, and they, and we
and we) will go along
with this kind of life?
The day after tomorrow
infinite growth = I'll have to create at least
$18 in 30 minutes
to abide by boss's projections. My back
will be sore. I'll be needing
the ghastly
thing (made with expired milk) that passes for beverage
even more. It'll be
$8 (at least)
– I'll be $4 out of pocket. Nota Bene: since the hapless barista
will have been replaced by a (rusting) machine
the coffee will have cost the caffeine crook
only $0.5
bosses will be
at my expense – I'll have accumulated
$4 in debt in 30 minutes
despite being employed. Monkey
see, monkey do? Well, no. I hope not. I hope one day we
(exhausted, aching, sick)
will find it
historically inevitable
to say:
No. Fuck off. No more.
Ali Alizadeh
Ali Alizadeh's latest collection of poetry, Ashes in the Air (UQP, 2011) was shortlisted for the Prime Minister's Literary Award. His latest book is Transactions (UQP, 2013) and he lectures at Monash University.