Joe Aston’s book persuasively outlines the reasons underpinning the reputational downfall of Qantas, a once highly respected Australian company. In this engaging book, Aston lays bare the way in which greed and distorted loyalties influenced boardroom and top management decisions to the detriment of the travelling public. It should be compulsory reading for all boards, CEOs, politicians, and sen ... (read more)
Colleen Lewis

Dr Colleen Lewis is an Honorary Professor, Australian Studies Institute, Australian National University and an associate of the Centre for Public Integrity. She is co-editor and contributor to seven books covering various aspects of the social sciences and is the author of Complaints Against Police: The politics of reform. Colleen has published in refereed and non-refereed journals and is a former editor of Australasian Parliamentary Review. She contributes to debates on accountability and transparency in the public sector involving decisions by elected and appointed public servants.