‘There is only one thing in life worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about’
Oscar Wilde
When the Morrison government decided in December 2019 to axe the federal arts department and to fold it into the department of infrastructure, transport, regional development, and communications, it was a strong signal – if another was needed – of the low esteem and ... (read more)
David Latham

David Latham is a lobbyist, PR Director, and journalist. He has provided lobbying services in the pathology, construction, disability, and aquaculture sector and is a keen supporter of the arts. He is the campaign manager and lobbying strategist for Fund the Arts.
‘The past is a foreign country: they do things differently there.’ L.P. Hartley’s now proverbial observation at the start of The Go-Between (1953) functions as a statement of fact and a warning. The writer who wishes to traverse the terrain between a nation’s present and its past must navigate a minefield – linguistic, cultural, and historical. Therefore, when you attempt to navigate not ... (read more)
Jeff Buckley is a man frozen in time, not just by virtue of being elevated into the pantheon of ‘died-too-early-rock-gods’. Before his untimely drowning in 1997, Buckley appeared to exist in a sort of musical and emotional stasis: a young fogey caught among the cultural ruins and vestiges of his estranged father, who died aged twenty-eight from a heroin overdose in 1975. It is a topic that Jef ... (read more)