Robert Fisk was one of a few journalists who could rightly be described as a legend in his lifetime. Anyone with a passing interest in the Middle East over the past fifty years will certainly know his name and will probably have come across some of his reporting. Serious students of the region will have read his books. British-born, Fisk was mostly based in Beirut from 1976 until his death in 2020 ... (read more)
Ian Parmeter

Ian Parmeter is a Research Scholar at the Centre for Arab and Islamic Studies at the Australian National University. He worked for twenty-five years in the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, where his diplomatic postings included Lebanon (as ambassador). From 2004 to 2015 he was Assistant Director-General in the Office of National Assessments.
Though scarcely a teenager at the time, I remember clearly what I was doing when I heard the news of John F. Kennedy’s assassination in 1963. That was a seminal event for the baby-boomer generation – not only in the United States, but around a then barely globalised world. I suspect the equivalent event for young adults today is the horrifying television footage, rebroadcast countless times si ... (read more)