Alex Skovron

Alex Skovron is the author of seven poetry collections, a prose novella, The Poet (2005), and a book of short stories, The Man who Took to His Bed (2017). His volume of new and selected poems, Towards the Equator (2014), was shortlisted in the Prime Minister’s Literary Awards. His work has been translated into a number of languages, and he has co-authored book-length translations of two Czech poets: Jiří Orten and Vladimír Holan. His new collection, Letters from the Periphery, is now available. He was born in Poland, lived briefly in Israel, and arrived in Australia aged nine. He lives in Melbourne.
‘For music is greater than our selves’Göran Sonnevi, Mozart’s Third Brain
It’s our runaway imaginings that seduce usaway from the meanwhiler pleasures:even as we cross each i, dot every t,we calibrate our fantasies like rare treasures,false memory-to-be. Our uses
of chronometry are genius, we can pedigreeour past, while Fate sits there gloating;we snap screenshots of desire, safely ... (read more)
So there he was in the library, crouched above the floor like a mousetrap, squinting into his rickety parallel edition of the Satires. The paperback was from the late fifties;
its cover had long detached, released its burden, demoted itself to a floating flapless jacket, and some of the pages were beginning to tip out – i ... (read more)
... (read more)