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Daniel Thomas

Daniel Thomas

Daniel Thomas, now based in Tasmania, was from 1958 to 1990 an art-museum curator and director in Sydney, Canberra, and Adelaide.

Daniel Thomas reviews 'Paths to Abstraction 1867–1917' edited by Terence Maloon

November 2010, no. 326 01 November 2010
The Mondrians in Paths to Abstraction 1867–1917, Terence Maloon’s beautiful, refined exhibition held at the Art Gallery of New South Wales from June to September this year, and the Gauguins in Ron Radford’s more spectacular Masterpieces from Paris that closed at the National Gallery in April, were drawcards. We last saw a group of Mondrians in 1961; Gauguin had never been properly seen in Au ... (read more)

'It should be so, it must be so' by Daniel Thomas

June 2011, no. 332 24 May 2011
David Walsh is a tease; he enjoys wordplay. The founder and owner of the Museum of Old and New Art (he prefers Mona, not MONA) concedes that his private playground is entirely a matter of self-gratification, like ‘the sin of Onan’. Hence the cheeky titles ‘Monanism’ for his inaugural exhibition of some 460 works, and Monanisms for the beautifully produced picture book of 115 selections fro ... (read more)
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