When life hides behind the mulch of what lives, can they expect more than this refusal to hold each other in the open?
Lemongrass floss between molars, you wish for foxes. You tell me you don’t wish for them &nbs ... (read more)
Anders Villani

Anders Villani is the author of Aril Wire (Five Islands Press, 2018) and Totality (Recent Work Press, 2022)
Good poetry uncovers the secret in the manifest, and the manifest in the secret. Three new collections throw this paradox into vibrant, unsettling relief. Each book deserves a broad readership. Each beats back the lethargic thinking that has invaded society under the cover of the pandemic.
How to Make A Basket by Jazz Money University of Queensland Press, $24.99 pb, 136 pp
Two poems in Jazz Mone ... (read more)
It speaks volumes that almost a century and a half after Baudelaire’s Paris Spleen announced the modern prose poem, James Longenbach influentially defined poetry as ‘the sound of language organized in lines’. An otherness, bordering on illegitimacy, pervades what Cassandra Atherton and Paul Hetherington argue is ‘the most important new poetic form to emerge in English-language poetry since ... (read more)
A boy appears at school earlyto lick the flagpole and speak different.Scratch the ‘g’ from ‘listening’
like the girl he watcheshang her beaded bagfrom the hook with all the grace he doesn’t know
he heaps upon her.At recess, the boy eats a golden delicious,seed and stem. Each instant a northswept
southerner in Nonna’s stories, losing dialect.Kids jigsaw around him; he stays stillfast ... (read more)
In 1795, Friedrich Schiller wrote: ‘So long as we were mere children of nature, we were both happy and perfect; we have become free, and have lost both.’ For Schiller, it was the poet’s task to ‘lead mankind … onward’ to a reunification with nature, and thereby with the self. Central to Romantic thought, reimaginings like Schiller’s of Christian allegory, in which (European) humans ... (read more)
‘Even if truth be drawn from the work,’ writes Maurice Blanchot, ‘the work overruns it, takes it back into itself to bury and hide it.’ This strange, poetic movement to conceal what is manifest brings to mind another statement, by the psychiatrist and author Judith Herman: ‘The conflict between the will to deny horrible events and the will to proclaim them aloud is the central dialectic ... (read more)