‘Borderless’ is ‘a transnational anthology of feminist poetry’, arranged alphabetically with no themed sections, that I read slowly, out of paginated order, and savoured. Is ‘Borderless’ a description or an ideal? I wondered, as I returned, between poems, to look at the cover image of a multi-coloured painted woman, a body located in no place I could discern. Does ‘Borderless’ refe ... (read more)
Nadia Rhook

Nadia Rhook a non-Indigenous historian, educator, and poet, who lectures in History and Indigenous Studies at the University of Western Australia, on Whadjuk Noongar boodja. Nadia has published widely on linguistic and medical histories of colonial Victoria, and is interested in relationships between poetry, history, and the body. Her first poetry collection is boots (UWA Publishing, 2020), and her second collection, is Second Fleet Baby (Fremantle Press, 2022).