Peter Mares reviews 'Unravelling Identity: Immigrants, identity and citizenship in Australia' by Trevor Batrouney and John Goldlust, and 'Borderwork in multicultural Australia' by Bob Hodge and John O'Carroll
I witnessed Australia’s inglorious exit from the World Cup in a packed Balmain Rugby Leagues club. Many in the crowd were sporting green and gold, and when it came time for the pre-match national anthem, the crowd rose almost as one to join in a well-oiled and full-throated rendition of Advance Australia Fair. I was glad that my ...
Brenda Niall (ABR, March 2008) feels ‘confronted’ by an ‘extraordinary claim’ in my book, Arthur Boyd: A Life. The two sentences that caused her consternation are: ‘Yet it seems that ultimately Martin’s spirit was crushed. His broken body would be discovered in the Blue Nuns’ gardens, lying where it had fallen, below his hospital window.’ Niall complains that I did not ask her opinion about Martin Boyd’s likely suicide. Since this was not included in her biography, Martin Boyd: A Life ( 1988), I believed she knew nothing about it. I understand how annoying it must be to write a full biography of a person and learn later of information that may have been available, but Niall’s defensive and plaintive attack demands a response.
... (read more)Wet Ink, No. 10 edited by Phillip Edmonds and Dominique Wilson
After the Celebration: Australian Fiction 1989–2007 by Ken Gelder and Paul Salzman
War Criminals Welcome: Australia, a Sanctuary for fugitive war criminals since 1945 by Mark Aarons
The judges for this prestigious award are Bernard Smith, Mary Lord, Graham Rowlands and Rick Hosking. Some proven stayers, good mud gallopers, smart on top of the ground, they are judges amply qualified to assess a varied field.
We offer a form guide provided by well-known Sydney racing identity, Don Scott.
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