For Hillary Rodham Clinton’s admirers, Something Lost, Something Gained cements her place in America’s political pantheon. For her detractors, well, it probably confirms their view. When autobiography morphs into autohagiography, the result is always the same – self-promotion and self-justification become coterminous. Anodyne description masquerades as deep insight, and triviality promotes t ... (read more)
Allan Behm

Allan Behm is Special Advisor, International Political Affairs at The Australia Institute, Canberra. During a long public service career, he was at various times responsible for national security policy, managing Australia’s international strategic interests and negotiating defence and security agreements. He was subsequently Chief of Staff to Minister for Climate Change and Industry (2009 to 2013) and senior advisor to the Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs, (2017-19). He has a significant publishing record and is a respected commentator in both the electronic and print media. His book No, Minister was published by Melbourne University Publishing in 2015. In March 2022, he published No Enemies No Friends: Restoring Australia’s global relevance (Upswell) and in July 2024 The Odd Couple (Upswell). Allan has tertiary qualifications in classics, philosophy, and Asian studies (majoring in Sanskrit, Pali and Prakrit). He attempts to speak Indonesian and French.