Editing a ‘women’s edition’ of a literary journal is bound to be fraught with semantic problems. What is women’s writing? By women? About women? As Island ’s fiction editor, Rachel Edwards, editorialises, ‘there is nothing that defines women’s fiction apart from the sex of the author. Nothing!’ The politics of contriving a women’s edition of a literary journal, then, is simple: ... (read more)
Ellena Savage

Ellena Savage is a writer, editor, and student from Melbourne. She writes a monthly culture column for Eureka Street and a bimonthly books column for the Lifted Brow, where she edits the arts lift-out, Middlebrow. Her essays, journalism, and criticism have appeared in Overland, Arena, Spook, the Nose, Right Now, and Farrago, which she co-edited in 2010.